Getting sorted
I keep finding that I think of things to blog about then by the time I get round to jotting them down something else has become more interesting or insistent. So over the last couple of weeks I've been about to write about this or that and never got round to it. Such is life I suppose,and it's life that keeps getting in the way and changing my priorities for me.
Well, anyway, the item at the top of my list (for now, so I'd better note it down while it's still at the top) is that sometimes it can seem like you're banging your head against a brick wall trying to achieve the seemingly unachievable then all of a sudden things start to fall into place (makes a nice change from things falling apart) following the unlikeliest of proddings. This week it was the imminent arrival at our place of a beautiful chaise longue. I have long coveted one for our imaginary conservatory which we are going to have built. One Day. It'll be perfect in there. As I'm sure you are aware though, what you covet doesn't usually come along at the right moment, if at all, so when one was offered to us we had no choice but to jump at the chance. I had imagined that we had a little time to organise ourselves in time for it's arrival, but apparently not. The owner wants rid of it, so we need to fit it in to an already pretty cluttered house. It's going in our bedroom. On top of the dog bed, in front of my chest of drawers. I'm joking. We'll have to move the dog bed to oh, wherever. I started doing my usual 'well, if it's going to happen we need a plan and I need it clear in my head before we even start' and I got accused of being negative and as Daddy Bear and I tried to work a way through the morass the conversation turned to the contents of our wardrobe and how we had promised ourselves that we were going to go through all the stuff and radicalise it. Then we found ourselves actually getting down to it. Radicalising, that is. Clothes were dragged out, tried on, cooed over or groaned at and before we knew it we had a whole black bin bag full of unsuitable clothing. I was left quite a few items of lovely clothing from my mother in law. It really is lovely stuff, Jaeger, Viyella, seriously good quality, but I had never been sure whether any of it was actually 'me' or could be made to become 'me'. Most of the keep stuff was quite a surprise as I started thinking and experimenting with what clothes could go with what in a 'me' kind of way. I am now much more at ease with my wardrobe and planning what to wear at a later date. After that things started to come together, things got done, new furniture we had ordered was delivered and put in place and things I had planned on doing for a while actually got done. I now have a home made magazine holder for the loo. I am very happy about it on so many levels. Not least of which is the fact that I envisaged what it would look like, sourced and bought the necessary eyelets, put them onto the old airplane headrest cover and hung it up. Now I have some loo reading, and a sense of achievement. Priceless.